July 25, 2010

Chinese Tea in French Garden

Lalique Compiegne Bowl (in leaf design)

I chanced to discover a fascinating tea blog by a French resident in Taiwan.  He diligently writes (alternately in English and French) on my favovite subjects: Taiwan Oolong tea tastings, tea arts (display, music, tea wares) and above all: tea outings!  The July 24th, 2009 entry is esp. a timely complimentary read to my last blog.

July 8, 2010

What's to your liking for the style of tea service?

tranquil Chinese style with poetic flair,

tea tasting with fellow tea connoisseur,

weekend dim sum accompanied by oolong tea,

tea in the garden,

afternoon tea British style  ,

or thé a la Français at an outdoor café?

For me, the answer is all the above!  To find out more on the pursuit of tea enjoyment in England, here is an article about the tea devotion British style.  As for views of delightful Parisian tea settings,  ParisBreakfast (esp. June 30 and July 7, 2010 entries) will surely feed you often by images of well dressed pastries.